Case Results

(206) 467-3190


Each client’s matter is unique. The results of any matter are determined by the relevant facts and applicable law. Past results are not a guarantee that your matter will be resolved similarly to the results here.

With that said, we truly believe there is hope in each and every reckless driving or racing case and we do our best to get great results for our clients.

Charged with Reckless Driving or Racing?

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

  • Not Guilty - Four Felony Counts

    Jason fought and won a trial for his client on all four felony counts.  Jason's client was wrongly accused by someone they did not know.  Jason fought back against an aggressive prosecutor and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty to all counts.  The judge said he had never seen an attorney h... Read On

  • State of Washington v. D.C.

    Charges: Hit and Run Attended and Reckless Driving Outcome: Hit and Run charges dismissed; reckless driving reduced to the civil infraction of negligent driving 2nd degree. Description: Client intentionally hit another car on I-405 during heavy traffic and then fled the scene.  Client charg... Read On

  • City of Seattle v. Y.C.

    Outcome: Dismissal Description: Client accused of reckless driving  "road rage" incident by chasing and intentionally running into another car.  After negotiations, prosecutor was willing to dismiss the charges after 12 months upon completion of an aggressive driving class, community service and... Read On

  • State of Washington v. L.C.

    Outcome: Reduction to civil (non-criminal) infraction of negligent driving second degree. Description: Client accused of driving his 4x4 pickup up to 110 mph on SR 512 while passing vehicles and being pursued by law enforcement.  Client eventually pulled over.  Prosecutor was willing to reduce f... Read On

  • City of Bothell v. R.C.

    Outcome: Dismissal Description: Client was seen by police driving 60 mph in a 25 mph zone in in front a church that had recently just released from afternoon services.  Numerous parents and children were present.  Prosecutor was willing to dismiss the charges upon completion of aggressive drivin... Read On

  • City of Normandy Park v. A.A.

    Outcome: Dismissal Description: Teenager was driving his car in speeds in excess of 67 mph in a 45 mph zone, while at the same time weaving in and out of numerous cars.  The teen had numerous disciplinary problems.  Prosecutor was willing to dismiss the case as the teen had entered a rigorous sc... Read On

  • City of Burien v. B.K

    Outcome: Negligent driving second degree (civil infraction) Description: Client was accused of racing another vehicle on residential streets with speeds up to 80 mph.  Quickly pulled over and admitted to this.  Given the client's lack of criminal history the prosecutor was willing to amend to th... Read On

  • State of Washington V. R.S.

    Outcome: Dismissal Description:  Client was on a motorcycle and was seen doing a two wheelies when getting onto I-5 North.  Police officer saw this and thought client was driving recklessly.   We were able to explain to the officer that the wheelie occurred as part of an equipment malfunction.  ... Read On

  • King County v. C.H.

    Case dismissed due to significant legal error not found by prosecution until middle of trial. Read On

We will not try to "hard sell" you.

Finally, we will not try to “hard sell” you to hire us. We know choosing an attorney is a big decision and one you must make carefully – not under pressure. Because an effective attorney-client relationship requires a lot of communication and trust, we really only want to represent people who feel comfortable with us and have complete confidence in our abilities. If you don't, then you have the right to an attorney that you do feel would be a better fit.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this web site. Please contact us if you would like to meet and further discuss how we may assist you.

Contact Us Today

Burg & Lantz is committed to answering your questions about Reckless Driving or Racing law issues in Washington.

We offer a Free Initial Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today at 206-467-3190 to schedule an appointment.
