Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190
We have helped many people who are in a similar situation to you fight their charges.
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Below are some of the forms that we sometimes need from your clients on a prompt basis from our clients:
Speedy Trial Waiver:
In all reckless driving charges in Washington state cases, you have a right to a speedy trial, that is a right to trial within 90 days of your first court appearance if you are not held in jail, or 60 days if you are in jail.
You may extend this to a period outside of 90 days. This happens a lot in our state for Washington state's reckless driving charges. Extension of speedy trial happens for a variety of reasons - to work around people's schedules (both yours and ours), to give attorneys more time to negotiate, to make sure there is time to properly investigate charges, to schedule court dates in an orderly manner. This is the form that allows us to extend speedy trial.
Release of Information for Attorney:
This form helps us to obtain any information from an attorney that you have previously spoken to. For instance, if at the time of your arrest for reckless driving you spoke to an attorney, this form would allow us to get the notes taken by the attorney you spoke to.
Release of Information for Medical Records:
In some Washington State reckless driving cases, we may need to obtain medical records to help in your reckless driving defense. This form would allow a medical professional to send us the appropriate records to help us best prepare for your defense.
Release of Information To Talk To Other People:
As your lawyer, we are prohibited from sharing your secrets or talking to anyone about your case without your permission. To do so, would be a breach of the attorney-client privilege and the rules of confidentiality. Sometimes in defending reckless driving cases, we need to talk to someone about your case - a spouse wants us to talk to his or her partner, a child wants us to talk to his parents. This form allows us to do so.
Character Letter Request:
For some Washington State reckless driving cases, we need character references. This most often occurs in the most serious of cases - maybe there are multiple prior arrests or the incident was particularly bad. In these instance,s we sometimes like to get character references from friends and family to be able to show the prosecutor or court what our client is generally like, not just what may be seen in the police report.